Ganoskin is having an online exhibition accepting rank beginners thru long time professionals. Don't miss out on a chance to have your work seen folks! I already entered this morning.
To be hosted on
This exhibition will be held online only, and will feature jewelry
that is primarily constructed of non-precious metals and other
materials (Precious metals being defined as silver, gold, platinum,
palladium, and their alloys).The jewelry should be designed to
actually be worn, not just viewed. This exhibition is open to
everyone from master goldsmiths to rank beginners, and is not juried
- all entries with qualifying images will be accepted.
To qualify images must be "jury quality", clearly focussed, show the
jewelry clearly, and be visually pleasing to look at. All images
should be in jpg format only, under 1MB each. Images should have a
neutral background with no props, preferably gray or white. Entrants
will be notified if images are not of acceptable quality, and may
submit new images through the closing date.
Each person may submit up to three pieces.
Entries should be e-mailed to: Please
put the exhibition name in the e-mail subject line. In the body of
the e-mail identify each piece with title, material(s), dimensions,
price or NFS, country and name of the artist. If you have a web site
or online selling site you would like linked to your piece(s) please
include the correct address(es), or whatever contact information you
would like included. You will have two lines for contact
information. Any broken links will not be used. Sales will NOT be
conducted from the exhibition!
Entries will be accepted between April 1 and May 31.
Beth Wicker
1960 Suzy Perette Repro for Gene
2 months ago
I just sent out the link to this post via twitter and my facebook page. I think we artists should see how big we can get this exhibition.