Dear Friends,
I need a change. I'm ready for a new life adventure. The original description of this blog "The journey of one Angsty Artist, struggling to find her identity, her name and her own style"; no longer rings true for me.
I'm questioning what more I have to say or give to the blogging community. I'm wondering what sort of new adventure I can get excited about going forward.
The choices I've made for the last 3 years have been good for me. But, those same choices are not what is best for me going forward another year or 3.
I'm going to take a big step back and allow some room for reflection in my life and remember what it was like to live a blogless life:)
All of you readers have meant so much to me. Your encouragement and energy and excitement for my work has been an enormous force in getting me this far. I will miss you all terribly. Even you lurkers who faithfully read but don't comment are precious to me and have helped make this blog exciting.
I'm not going to post again until mid June which is the 3 year anniversary of this blog. At that time I will either say goodbye or I will have found a fresh blogging voice.
This doesn't mean I am quitting wire. If I post my work online it will be on my Facebook or my Flickr. Maybe I will work on my etsy shop. You can still find me one of those places.
It's tempting to be sad about the loss of something that has become a regular part of my life and for some of you and my family it is also a regular part of your lives. My family can call me instead.
For the rest of you, be brave and make something wonderful! Look inside yourselves and pull out what you find, draw it in wire. Express yourselves wildly, crazily, and beautifully. You don't have to be self confident, you don't have to be fearless, just be brave!!
- Miss Angsty
Balmain 1959 Repro for Gene or Retro Glam
2 weeks ago