Been so busy still. Finished another custom order this weekend to match the Eclipse Earrings.
Cleaned my work space and made some earrings with old components.
There are more earrings too but I did not get the photo work done yet.
My cleaned work space one week later looks like it did before I cleaned it:(
I have abandoned my original Bead Dreams idea, since it was a project that would take 7 full weeks and I just can't handle that right now. I started another smaller project, than sort of abandoned that.
Do you guys watch Top Chef? Last week Carla did not do well because she said she cooked from her 'pride' rather than from her 'heart'. I relate to that as I struggle with making something for the Bead Dreams contest. I'm thinking maybe I should drop all my ideas and just ask myself the simple question of what does my heart really want to make, and then just submit that, no matter if it is awesome or not.
Anyways, I'm kind messy right now:)
PS. Also I'm sorry I haven't been responding to comments. You guys have left me some very dear comments and I treasure them more than you know!